Ohio Miami Valley Chapter
Society for Neuroscience

Winter Business Meeting

March 1, 2013


1.            Opening Statements

Dr. Joyce Fernandez thanked the Chapter for its support during the last year.

The OMV members thanked Dr. Fernandez for her leadership over the past year as well as planning and coordinating Neuroscience Day.


2.            Elections

A motion was made to install Dr. Mark Baccei (University of Cincinnati) as President of the Ohio Miami Valley Chapter of the Society for Neuroscience.  The motion was approved.

Chapter members present at the meeting nominated and elected the following officers for 2013:  James Olson, Ph.D., President Elect (Wright State University); Kim Hagler Secretary Treasurer (Wright State University); Amit Singh, Ph.D., Officier at Large for the University of Dayton, and Kathleen Killian, Ph.D., Officier at large for Miami University.  An Officer at Large for the University of Cincinnati will be nominated at a later date.

3.            Science Olympiad

The Science Olympiad National Tournament 2013 will be held on May 17 and 18 at Wright State University in Dayton, Ohio. Science Olympiad features competitions in biology, chemistry, earth science, astronomy, physics, and technology.

For information about the national tournament and how to be involved at the national event visit http://www.wright.edu/scienceolympiad/.

The State Science Olympiad Tournament 2013 will be held on April 27, 2013 at The Ohio State University.  For information about this event go to http://www.ced.osu.edu/scioly/.

4.            SfN Annual Meeting Sites

 The leadership of the Society for Neuroscience has decided to remove New Orleans from the rotation of annual meeting sites for the next nine years.  A SfN member-initiated campaign that questions the rationale for this change and seeks to modify this decision is underway.  A short discussion of this matter was held at the recent OMV-SfN Winter Meeting in Cincinnati; however, the entire OMV-SfN community should be aware of this since it affects all Society for Neuroscience members.  More information with additional links is provided on the OMV-SfN Web site.


5.            Secretary/Treasurer Report

The current balance in the OMV-SFN account is $4,485.96 and there are no outstanding bills at this time.

The expenses for 2012:

  • 2012 Post-doc Award $100

Income for 2012:

  • Membership dues:  $1,555.00
  • Membership includes: 155 members which include 50 faculty and 6 staff, and 3 post docs, 55 graduate students, and 41 undergraduate students,
  • Spring 2012 Society for Neuroscience Chapter Grant $2,000.00


The 2013 membership forms are available at http://www.med.wright.edu/omv_sfn/member_form.html.

Membership fees will remain the same $5 for students, $10 staff and post docs and $25 for faculty. 

6.            Neuroscience Day 2013
Neuroscience Day will be hosted at the University of Cincinnati on June 7, 2013.  Dr. Michael Salter, University of Toronto has been invited as the keynote speaker.  Additional information about the event will be sent out as it becomes available
7.            Members Items

  • Dr. Baccei announced that the OMV has been awarded the SfN Chapter Grant for $1,500.
  • Save the date for Neuroscience Day – June 7.  Dr. Baccei would like to have an itinerary by the end of March.  He requested that each university submit topics to him as soon as possible.
  • Continue to work on student outreach at OMV events.
  • Discussion about having a faculty representative from Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center (CCHMC).  The OMV agreed to have a CCHMC contact and see how the relationship develops.
  • Jun-Ming Zhang has agreed to oversee the OMV website http://www.omv-sfn.org/.  Any items for the site should be sent to Dr. Baccei or Dr. Zhang.

8.            Adjourned